On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> I would suggest autovacuum daemon which is in CVS contrib  works for 7.3.x as
> well.. Or schedule a vacuum analyze every 15 minutes or so..
> >

Good Call. I'll give that a whirl and let you know.

> I think vacuum full is required.
D'oh.  Would this be a regular thing? I suppose we could do it weekly.

As for the pg_dumping of it. I suppose it would work on this table as it
is only a couple million rows and not terribly big data-wise.  The other
tables in this db are rather big and a load is not fast. (It is about


> You mean linux? I guess you need a kernel revision for a long time. How about
> 2.4.21?
Yeah, linux. We're planning on upgrading when we relocate datacenters at
the end of August.  This machine has actually been up for 486 days (We're
hoping to reach linux's uptime wraparound of 496 days :) and the only
reason it went down then was because the power supply failed.  (That can
be read: pg7.0.2 had over a year of uptime. lets hope 7.3 works as good :)


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