On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 19:01:38 +0000 (UTC)
Randolf Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>       I'm looking for recent performance statistics on PostgreSQL vs.
>       Oracle 
> vs. Microsoft SQL Server.  Recently someone has been trying to
> convince my client to switch from SyBASE to Microsoft SQL Server (they
> originally wanted to go with Oracle but have since fallen in love with
> Microsoft).  All this time I've been recommending PostgreSQL for cost
> and stability (my own testing has shown it to be better at handling
> abnormal shutdowns and using fewer system resources) in addition to
> true cross-platform compatibility.
>       If I can show my client some statistics that PostgreSQL
>       outperforms 
> these (I'm more concerned about it beating Oracle because I know that 
> Microsoft's stuff is always slower, but I need the information anyway
> to protect my client from falling victim to a 'sales job'), then
> PostgreSQL will be the solution of choice as the client has always
> believed that they need a high-performance solution.
>       I've already convinced them on the usual price, cross-platform 
> compatibility, open source, long history, etc. points, and I've been
> assured that if the performance is the same or better than Oracle's
> and Microsoft's solutions that PostgreSQL is what they'll choose.

  While this doesn't exactly answer your question, I use this little
  tidbit of information when "selling" people on PostgreSQL.  PostgreSQL
  was chosen over Oracle as the database to handle all of the .org TLDs
  information.  While I don't believe the company that won was chosen 
  solely because they used PostgreSQL vs Oracle ( vs anything else ),
  it does go to show that PostgreSQL can be used in a large scale

  Another tidbit you can use in this particular case: I was involved
  in moving www.ljworld.com, www.lawrence.com, and www.kusports.com from
  a Sybase backend to a PostgreSQL backend back in 2000-2001.  We got
  roughly a 200% speed improvement at that time and PostgreSQL has only
  improved since then.  I would be more than happy to elaborate on this
  migration off list if you would like.  kusports.com gets a TON of 
  hits especially during "March Madness" and PostgreSQL has never been
  an issue in the performance of the site. 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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