On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 6:57 AM, Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> wrote:

> Greetings,
> * julyanto SUTANDANG (julya...@equnix.co.id) wrote:
> >
> > "you might you pg_start_backup to tell the server not to write into the
> >
> > become
> >
> > "you might *use* pg_start_backup to tell the server not to write into the
> > *BASEDIR*, actually server still writes but only to XLOGDIR "
> Just to make sure anyone reading the mailing list archives isn't
> confused, running pg_start_backup does *not* make PG stop writing to
> BASEDIR (or DATADIR, or anything, really).  PG *will* continue to write
> data into BASEDIR after pg_start_backup has been called.

Correct.  Unfortunately it is a very common myth that it does cause
PostgreSQL to stop writing to the base dir.

> The only thing that pg_start_backup does is identify an entry in the WAL
> stream, from which point all WAL must be replayed when restoring the
> backup.  All WAL generated from that point (pg_start_backup point) until
> the pg_stop_backup point *must* be replayed when restoring the backup or
> the database will not be consistent.

pg_start_backup also forces full_page_writes to be effectively 'on' for the
duration of the backup, if it is not already explicitly on (which it
usually will already be).  This affects pg_xlog, of course, not base.  But
it is an essential step for people who run with full_page_writes=off, as it
ensures that anything in base which got changed mid-copy will be fixed up
during replay of the WAL.



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