Thanks Igor , yes I was aware of String Cr because I have done some googling
around and it did find information on the subject. Apparently it failed
because I had an error in my source. 

So for our next challenge is learning how to fetch data that a pointer
points to. 

in this case I have an array that contains my vertex positions , called

"the positions of vertices to be passed to opengl"

        ^ #( 0.75  0.75 0.0 1.0 
        0.75  -0.75 0.0 1.0
         -0.75 -0.75 0.0 1.0 )

so far so good

so I create a pointer for that array

vptrsize := (NBExternalType sizeOf: 'float')* self vertexPositions size.

and then take that pointer and insert in each position the individual values
from vertexPositions

vertexPositions withIndexDo: [:each :i |
           "using nbUInt32AtOffset because we know pointer is 4 bytes :) "
            vpos nbFloat32AtOffset: (i-1)*(NBExternalType sizeOf: 'float') put:
each value.
        Transcript show: ' I am putting to vpos in index: '; show: i-1; show:'
value: '; show: each value; cr. 

so far so good.

now the tricky part is that I have a function that expects that Array , not
the smalltalk version but the C version we just created

gl bufferData_target: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER size: vptrsize  data: .......  usage:

where you see the dots is where I should pass the data, in this case the C

I could do a vpo nbFloat32AtOffset: but that will return me only the
individual value at the specific point (index) of the array, while I want to
pass the entire array. 

So how I do that ?

I explored NBExternalAdress and I cant find something that would return an
array. Am I missing something obvious here ? 
NBExternalAdress value , returns the number of the address and not that data
contained in that address.

I also see a  NBExternalArray but I am not sure if it is what I should be
using .  

Igor Stasenko wrote
> On 30 June 2013 21:11, kilon <


> > wrote:
>> I am not going to post my code here cause it has become too big , you can
>> find it here
>> <!/~kilon/GLTutorial>
>> I tried adding newlines with String cr to my shaders strings, but
>> apparently
>> opengl is not convinced. It looks like smalltalk cr is not converted to C
>> "\n" newlines. So how I do that ?
> simply replace all occurences of
> Character cr
> with
> Character lf
> (or crlf, if it wants that)
>> --
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>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Developers mailing list archive at
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

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