kilon alios wrote:
In section 1.9  page 18 there is this text

"At other times you may have a good idea that a method exists, but will have no idea what it might be called. The method finder can still help! For example, suppose that you would like to find a method that turns a string into upper case, for example, it would translate 'eureka' into 'EUREKA'.

The method finder will suggest a method that does what you want.8

An asterisk at the beginning of a line in the right pane of the method finder indicates that this method is the one that was actually used to obtain the requested result. So, the asterisk in front of String asUppercase lets us know that the method asUppercase defined on the class String was executed and returned the result we wanted. The methods that do not have an asterisk are just the other methods that have the same name as the ones that returned the expected result. So Character»asUppercase was not executed on our example, because 'eureka' is not a Character object.

You can also use the method finder for methods with arguments; for example, if you are looking for a method that will find the greatest common factor of two integers, you might try 25. 35. 5 as an example. You can also give the method finder multiple examples to narrow the search space; the help text in the bottom pane explains how. "

I tried " 'eureka' . 'EUREKA '" and the other suggestion it does not seem to work , should I remove this section ? 

It works for me...
* World > Tools > Finder
* Type...   'eureka' . 'EUREKA'
* Change [Selectors] to [Examples]

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