I'm sorry but this debugger should not be the default one.
MONDAY we are filming our mooc and we have to explain the debugger and
personally I do not see the gain:
- It looks a lot more complex to me and I do not want to have to redo all the screenshots
    of our lecture.
    - Just that I have to learn the meaning of small icons.
    - Why do we need a special pane for the evaluator
    - Why there is a type column.
- Sorry but I'm not convinced about the moldable aspect behind the story (no need to argue I know it)

I would like to avoid to be forced to use not the latest version of Pharo for the mooc.

Such changes are arriving far too late in the release. We do not change the debugger itself the day of code freeze.

We decided that the GTDebugger can be included but to me it never meant that it should be the default one.
I think that experts can choose the debugger they want. The newbies don't.


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