
* image size management under control
Yes it requires to write a new GC so I hope that the VM team with get the ressources.

* no more gradients in that UI (even in the light theme)
* modern "Material style" UI
* FASTER Nautilus
what is the problem?
* better console support (in/out)
stdout and friends do not work?

* Pharo VM as something I can embed in other programs
* something like npm.js for the packages list along with external package manager to build my images
We will have that with Cargo
* integration with Hadoop ecosystem
* super easy to write REST clients and servers (including Swagger support)
I think that this is not the roadmap for Pharo 60 but for the community.


On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 10:15 AM, stepharo < <>> wrote:

    Thanks Peter

    I cannot find the list, but there were some things we discussed
    during consortium call a month or so ago. Maybe Esteban can find it?

    I want for Christmas

    * Better Spec
      * Roadmap so we know where we are going,
      * with clean API,
      * so we can build really live UIs (where you can drag windows
    around, close them, dock them, etc.
      * so we are ready for Bloc (can be for Easter too :))
    * Stability
      * I crash daily

    Obviously I can and I try to help with Spec, but I do not have
    the time or resources to lead it, and since we don't have any
    roadmap it's hard to go forward.

        I should say that I'm a bit stuck to understand where to start
    and what we want to achieve.
        The firs things I would do
            - Reading all the code to get a feel.
            - I would like to rename the class consistently a Model
    should be named Presenter and the Model whose name do not contain
    Model should still be renamed to contain Presenter.

        I need to review the changes made by marion and that have been


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