Le 26/8/16 à 14:40, Norbert Hartl a écrit :

the things I want to have are 64bit, bootstrap and vector graphic backend because these are so disruptive that it takes some time to stabilize the whole system. But there is a roadmap for this which is ok for me.

For me we really need to focus on stabilizing a few things which are (to me) very annoying:

- cannot escape execution with cmd-. sometimes.
Yes we should check that with denis
- endless loop in Context with DNU for sending the same message again (https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/16877/another-endless-debugger-loop) - spotter opening is too slow. You open spotter and when you type too early it shows nothing and you need to close it
- unifying keyboard shortcuts
- tiny and misplaced buttons in GTDebugger
:) I fully agree on this one.
- tree view in GTInspector. It is absolutely terrible that if you try to uncollapse a tree node on the right pane and you did not hit exactly the pane moves to the left. That is sooo…..!!!!!"!§$"%§%§% - Nautilus method caching. You can have code views that get not updated when the method changes and not even sometimes when you close and reopen the browser.
Do you have a scenario? I would like to see what I can do. I would like to do another pass.
- good integration of epicea. The old changes mechanism was just broken so I'm glad epicea is in place now

The other big thing for me is that we need to do project dependencies right. I think the bootstrap guys know.
at least we will fix the ones in the image :)
The way we reference metacello projects from other projects quickly produces a situation that you load the maximum set in your image. We should have guidelines how to do configurations or any other mechanism so that not only the bootstrap can load cleanly but business project images as well. Let's call it dependency management
I think that the dependencies should be computed for us from a tool like the dependency browser and proposed
to us.

my christmas list would be:

- runtime adaptable behaviour. Be it runtime traits, talents, etc…
- environments to separate graphs for certain dimensions like code version, etc.
- magritte replacement with slots

These ones are more researchy but I was recently rereading talents.
Do you have a scenario for talents?


Am 24.08.2016 um 06:59 schrieb stepharo <steph...@free.fr <mailto:steph...@free.fr>>:


We have some ideas (because people are working on items) for the Pharo 6 roadmap

and we will consolidate them soon and propose them to you.

but I would like to know two kinds of points

- what are the points you are working on and that would deserve more focus and help from the community?

(these points are important because like that you could go faster and this is a good feeling to get done for example)

- what would be points where (if magically we would get more resources - to not dream if this is not you

there is a high chance that we will not make it) it would be nice to get some changes

Please pay attention that if you type too fast and come up with a christmas list well it will stay a christmas list and will just make the thread larger for nothing.


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