What we should do is to add an unload method to each of the package manifest of the corresponding projects.

We should make the unload protocol a lot more present.

I will start with Nautilus.

    Can you publish the unload process?

Workspace openContents: 'GTPlayground setGTPlaygroundEnabledStatus: false.
" ========== Debuggers ========== "

Nautilus pluginClasses: nil.
SpecDebugger closeAllDebuggers.
GTGenericStackDebugger closeAllDebuggers.
GTGenericStackDebugger setGTDebuggerEnabledStatus: false.

" ========== Miscellany ========== "

GTInspector setGTInspectorEnabledStatus: false.
GTExampleOrganizer stop.
GTEventRecorder cleanUp.
GTEventRecorderSettings cleanUp.
GTSnippets reset.
GTPlayBook reset.
GTPlayBook resetDirectories.
GTSpotter cleanUp.
GTSpotterGlobalShortcut reset.

GlobalIdentifier cleanUp.
Privacy cleanUp.

" ========== QA ========== "
QASettings inspectorPluggin: false.
QASettings spotterPlugin: false.
QAEventCollector unload.
(MCPackage named: ''QualityAssistant'') unload.

" ========== RPackage ========== "
RPackageOrganizer default packageNames
    select: [ :each | each beginsWith: ''GT'' ]
    thenDo: [ :each |
        (MCPackage named: each) unload.
        RPackageOrganizer default unregisterPackageNamed: each.
        " Possibly unnecessary... "
        Smalltalk removeEmptyMessageCategories.
        Smalltalk cleanOutUndeclared.
        Smalltalk fixObsoleteReferences.
        Smalltalk globals flushClassNameCache ].

Behavior flushEvents.
Behavior flushObsoleteSubclasses.
SmalltalkImage current resetTools.'

I still have some obsoletes around

AnObsoleteGTSpotterGlobalShortcut .
AnObsoleteQANautilusPlugin .

Tried to clean but no sucess so far.

    Respect the freedom of choice for people which is not obligated
    to love all your tools, by providing an uninstall option (if the
    tool is not really essential)
    I agree about the Unload.... Joseph Pelrine always told me that we
    are only done when we can
    upload and that the system is in a good shape.

    You may not know it because I spent days working on configuration
    of RB and friends
    The problems is that it is a hell to keep them up to date (because
    of our image).
    We should have a building process from a seed. Because like that
    you experiment every single day that you loading script.
    Now we did not stress enough the unload of Metacello.

    Now you see Pharo cannot be an empty shell.
    Because what will happen if we are always listening to someone
    that does not like something.
    Now I strongly encourage you to watch the esug talk about
    bootstrap because with it and all the work
    of Pavel to define configurations for all the part of the system
    so people will be able to build their solutions when the
    official version does not suite their needs.

        I would love to have the time to invite you, or any GT
        developer, to work with me just one week with real DNA data,
        and see how well GT goes...

        Please do a skype sharing session with Andrei and Doru. I'm
        sure that they will love to do it.
        So I take your words and urge you do it.
        It will help you to get out your frsutration and I'm sure
        that GT will improve.
        So a clear win/win situation.

    This is hard for me because I'm sure at this point Andrei and
    Doru should be angry with me for ciriticizing their work.
    No I do not think so :)
    I criticized their tools too.
    But I will try to make some use cases these days and share with
    you so I can show you specifically what I'm talking about.

        Understood, what makes me most sad is users almost accepted
        they cannot do better and if they do, their work will never
        be integrated by default.
        No do better.
        Why I started Spec when ther was Glamour. Why Alain was
        working on Calipso?
        I would love that someone comes and tell me: take XX it is
        super hyper cool UI Builder.

    Me too, and by this point we should really ask ourselves why we
    don't have yet a cool UI Builder.
    Because nobody did it in a way that we can use it.

    One guy worked alone on a private project long time ago. We could
    not give him any feedback
    because he wanted to have it perfect in the first place.
    He stoped to work on it because of bad table support.
    I looked at it once he opened-source it and you would not like to
    have the code in Pharo.



        Instead, non-voters decisions discourages users to be
        rewarded for their creativity, and imposes many others to
        work free "supporting" tools which were imposed de facto.

            So again, I cannot stress this enough: Is my job to say
            no. I know I hurt some people but social development is
            I do not think I do a bad job :)

        Me neither, but you cannot expect conformity from all of us.



            On 24 Aug 2016, at 09:38, stepharo <steph...@free.fr
            <mailto:steph...@free.fr>> wrote:

            Hi Hernan

            First thanks for your email because we may disagree but
            we often agree. :) so this is an email for me.
            Hi Stef,

            Good communication implies being clear when writing
            about sensitive topics, especially when communicating
            through virtual channels. I am not in Europe, so I
            cannot discuss these things with you face to face.
            This is what we want to change with montly videos meeting.
            Therefore is not clear to me (and others) what are
            your policies in many subjects. Lately I also delayed
            the release of packages because my lack of motivation
            around this community, specially when discussions
            exists around three or fourth topics for months.

            Like what?
            Let us know because we do not
            Another "motivational" case for me. I stopped to
            report bugs in fogbuz because I felt there was too
            much "Won't fix" for me (specifically by a person but
            I won't go there...) even in cases where it was
            ilogical. Then I felt tired of reading "It's like
            that. Invalid".
            This is a pity.
            I know the feeling because some of mine are close too.
            You are not the only victim of the "Issue closing
            syndrom" ;).
            And I would like the syndrome to be more human
            friendly. Thanks for raising this point.

            Now two points
                - You should always send a mail to the mailing-list
            and that we discuss your points.

                - Now what will happen if we all open bugs and none
            of us works on the open bugs.
            So what is the solution for you. I mean it concretely.
            How to deal with dying

            Looking at bugs is really difficult. There are not
            enough people looking and fixing bugs.

            About features.

            What's the policy about voting for default features in
            next Pharo images? Let's suppose I am a VM/core Pharo
            maintainer and I want to include MySuperPackage into a
            Pharo release, which nobody needs (and I don't care),
            but it is useful to me.... there will ever be voting
            there? (note it doesn't makes sense if you are a group
            of 50 always supporting your work)

            It does not really work because engineers are paid for
            certain task.
            Images are becoming huge (at least for my workflows).
            There will be (more) packages included by default (for
            promotion?) ?
            Thanks to raise this point because I mentioned it also
            to the board. So I like when I'm not alone.
            Now we should not see look only at the size. Doing
            nothing is size zero :)
            The point is what are the functionalities delivered.

            Three points:
                - what are the key things we want?
            keybinding, settings, cool inspector cool....

                - how many duplicated functionality can we remove:
            for example I want to merge MCDefinitions with Ring
            with RBDefinition
                        we removed pseudo*
            but this is a lot of work

            The goal is to throw many system when bloc and brick
            are ready

                - what is the list of things that you would remove?

                - with the bootstrap and all the packages of the
            image managed with Cargo plus the git management
                we believe that we will be able to manage a set of
            images with minimal images.
                        - this is several years that we are working
            on this goal.
            Believe me this is the vision document not for the sake
            of it.

            How do you plan to manage if some people want the
            Tests be removed from the official Image? (Personally
            I never run them)
                - then you use a jenkins job to produce your image
            where you unload the tests.

            Another example, what happens if another research
            group came with a better alternative to Calypso,
            Brick, Telescope, Bloc. Would you integrate first your
            tool to mark territory?

                No this is not a question of territory. Doru and GT
            does not do that in that spirit.
                RMOD too. We do something when we think that this
            is better.
                For example Epicea is three years of work of
            Martin, Fuel was so nice that we could not lose it.
                You see Ghost got changed by denis, Seamless got
            rewritten from scratch.

            Who decides? For example (IIRC) TxText and Twisty.
                Igor looked at Twisty seriously and I do not think
            that it could handle large cobol files.

                (you see funnily denis is doing the same with
            Seamless - He rewrote it from scratch while
                nick worked on it for several years).

                Igor wanted to have a stream-based API that could
            work on modern command-oriented videos card framework.
                My team (on our own money if you understand what it
                paid Igor to build TxText (and I can tell you that
            I would have prefered him to do something else).

            The same applies if anyone came with another rewrite
            of classic Smalltalk Workspace, Debugger and Inspector
            tools, what would you do with GT? GT stays because it
            came before and others would be optional?
                No this is not like that.
                If you are better or answer better needs.

            There will be anything like PEPs?
                I would love but will people have the energy to
            implement them?
                I would definitively encourage you as a community
            to raise points on what you need.

            If someone can answer me I think that would be an
            example of good communication.
                Hernan I always answered your emails. I always
            consider your work (and you know it for other reasons
            and by my facts) after I'm not always in agreement as
            I'm not always in agreement with other board members
            and this is how live happens.
                What is clear is that the most important aspects is
            to continue to communicate. This is why the board is
                this initiative and I would love to see it taken by
            people even for their projects.


            2016-08-24 1:51 GMT-03:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr

                Hi guys

                the board got a good discussion at ESUG about how
                to improve and a lot of the discussion turned
                around improving communication. We got some ideas
                that we will propose soon but I would like to get
                *your* ideas.

                If you have idea about improving communication
                around pharo please tell us.


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