
I'm happy to announce the latest release of Pillar.

This release has been possible because of the hard work of Damien Cassou, Cyril 
Ferlicot, Yann Dubois, Thibault Arloing and Lukas Komarek.

What did it bring and what are the largest changes ?

  *   Huge cleaning of code and Dependencies
  *   Many bug fixes
  *   Huge refactoring of internal parts
     *   Extract phase management into an external project (LightPhaser)
     *   Transformers and Phases are all Pipes

Remove Compilation cycle

  *   Remove template handling from Pillar
  *   Remove generation of pillarpostExport.sh
  *   Pillar now exports files to JSON format
  *   Command for pillar archetypes "./pillar archetype book", book can be 
replaced by other archetype names (see Pillar documentation)
  *   Possibility to load an archetype with a Makefile to compile pillar files


  *   Check phase to check syntax
  *   EPub exporter for e-books (use pillar archetypes for this)
  *   Semantic links to Youtube and Wikipedia
  *   Citations for LaTeX
  *   Structures (see Pillar documentation)
  *   Footnotes for HTML, Markdown, LaTeX and AsciiDoc
  *   Improvement of parsing configuration failure message

Major changes

  *   Metadata field in configuration to separate data from configuration 
  *   Support files in configuration does no longer exists
  *   "disableTransformers" property is now named "disabledPhases"
  *   AsciiDoc file extension is now ".asciidoc"
  *   Pillar now manages one input file, not a collection of input files anymore
     *   Parameter inputFiles is now replaced by inputFile

The documentation of Pillar will be update as soon as possible to fit those 



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