Well, it's always interesting to hear how a phono collector got the bug, what their first machine or machines were, and what aspect of the field drew them in; aesthetics, historical interest, mechanical interest, music interest, or combinations of these and others.

Though I'm sure it doesn't need an invitation on this forum, feel free to relate what your experience has been.

Andrew Baron
Santa Fe

On Jul 25, 2012, at 5:38 PM, Ken aka: OnATorrent wrote:

Hello everyone, I made a statement that I was thinking about posting my story here for everyone to read from my introduction to phonographs at the age of 26 in 1993 and followed by my 19 year obsession. I had a great group of people that took me under there wing and guided me and gave me a great education and showed me the ropes on collecting and everything that I needed to know to be a successful collector and all the years I have spent as a younger man. I have had 3 people that wanted me to do this and I just wanted to make sure everyone would be interested in my story of live and collecting through hard times and good.

Comments are welcome,
Kenneth Keeton
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