On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, Martin Jansen wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 09:19:44 -0500 (EST), Joao Prado Maia wrote:
> >If PEAR::DB is not abstracting the database what is the purpose of such a
> >library ?
> To ease the life of lot's of programmers.

I probably used a bad choice of words. What I really meant was: What is
the objective of PEAR::DB as a database abstraction library ? To abstract
as much as possible like Metabase already does, or to provide a unified
API to databases and leave the implementation related to database specific
to the user himself ?

It's okay to choose the latter, but I believe we should have a unique
position on something like this, so we know what we are working for. A
statement like this will be very helpful when people come to the mailing
list saying that PEAR::DB doesn't abstract LOB's or any other exotic
feature, as we can just reply "that's not our objective".

Anyway, I think this is a good discussion.


Joćo Prado Maia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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