If you're trying to prevent HTML tags from being submitted then try
htmlentities($your_variable).  That'll convert for example <pre> to


----- Original Message -----
From: "louie miranda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 6:22 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] match

> Hi is it possible to match a certain string when a user submit's a form
> I mean, ex: i put "<pre>" on a form field, and php will match it and
> deny it, oh well.. im new sorry.. :)
> thank you
> mysql_query ("INSERT INTO members (ircname, email, realname, asl, info)
> VALUES ('$ircname','$email','$realname','$asl','$info') ");
> # form.php ######################
> <?php
> mysql_connect ('my_db_host','my_user','my_pass');
> mysql_select_db ('my_db');
> mysql_query ("INSERT INTO members (ircname, email, realname, asl, info)
> VALUES ('$ircname','$email','$realname','$asl','$info') ");
>  print ($ircname);
>  print (" ");
>  print ("<p>");
>  print ("Thanks for joining!");
> ?>
> # form.php ######################
> # form.html #####################
> <html>
> <body>
> <form action=form.php method=GET>
> Ircname: <input type=text name=ircname size=25 maxlength=25><br>
> Email: <input type=text name=email size=25 maxlength=25><br>
> Realname: <input type=text name=realname size=25 maxlength=25><br>
> A/S/L: <input type=text name=asl size=25 maxlength=25><br>
> Info: <input type=text name=info size=25 maxlength=25><br>
> <p>
> <input type=submit>
> </form>
> </body>
> </html>
> # form.html #####################
> --
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