[Andi Gutmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> At 06:53 PM 4/18/2001 -0400, Stig Sæther Bakken wrote:
> >*BLAM*
> >
> >That's the sound of someone shooting himself in the foot.  The PEAR
> >installer needs the XML extension. :-)
> What do you mean? Has work started on this already?
> I'm not quite sure what you mean by the PEAR installer but I think we
> should discuss the util we would need to list/fetch/build C extensions
> from the PEAR repository on php-dev@.
> I think it's a waste of time to decide right now what to remove
> instead of trying to finalizing this utility. Once we see how well it
> works it'll be time to start thinking of what extensions to remove. I
> think it's just putting energy in the wrong place right now :)

You don't read php-cvs anymore do you Andi? :-)

If you configure the CGI and do "make install", you'll have a
command-line utility written in PHP called "pear" that can do two
things: make a package tarball, and install a tarball.  It currently
only support "pure PHP" packages.  How to test it:

$ cvs co pear/HTTP
$ cd pear/HTTP
$ pear package package.xml
(this will give you a file called HTTP-1.0.tgz)
$ pear install HTTP-1.0.tgz

There's a lot of stuff missing from the installer still, but that'll
be added in time.  It is also UNIX-only right now.  Since I'm not a
Windows user myself, I totally depend on the help of some Windows
people to make it work in Windows.

The reason I joined the "what extensions to keep" discussion is that I
think it (the discussion) is going to take some time. :-)

 - Stig

  Stig Sæther Bakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Fast Search & Transfer ASA, Trondheim, Norway

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