> Check out http://gtk.php.net/.

Oooooooohhhhhh.  Thanks to both of you who posted GTK related links.  
This looks like really good stuff and I will explore it more, but if 
I understand correctly GTK (via C++ or PHP) essentially still does 
what Visual C++ does, it just creates code that can run under 
multiple O/S's.

What I'm proposing is that we take DHTML, Javascript, PHP4, MySQL, 
and IE via OLE and turn them into a whole new programming 
environment.  Then, instead of writing handlers to instantiate icons, 
and behaviors of forms, we could just use HTML and the millions of 
HTML editing tools that already exist.

I suppose my focus on this thought is not just "how do we bring PHP 
to the desktop".  It isn't, "how do we make a cross-platform 
language".  It is, "how do we take advantage of this unbelievably 
simple, and graphically beautiful programming environment, and bring 
it to a new market where only stodgy or hard-to-create-in 
environments had existed before".

Thanks for the link though!  I know what I'll be downloading tonight!
-- Wolfhome Priestess

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   http://www.wolfhome.com/

         I want to be the master of time and space, a living god,
                            ...and then I'd like to visit Europe.

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