> I am pleased to announce that I dove into this new idea last night 
> and made my first proof-of-concept program (PoC-1) for this new 
> programming environment (which I am calling LocalPHP for the lack of 
> a better name, any suggestions?).

I have a version of exactly what you wish to do right here in the final
stages of development. 
It includes an executable that contains the htmlview, a dll that catches all
requests from the htmlview and processes them (either by passing them on to
php and passing the results back to the browser, or by returning the
requested file as-is). 
It doesn't need Apache or anything, just the cgi-version of php (including
any modules you wish to use), and an IE>4. 
It could easily be extended to fetch all files from one big library (thus
protecting your php-source) or to start other apps as well (map any
extension to any executable... Perl, custom executables, whatever)

We're still looking into the method of distribution, whether it will be a
commercial app or an open source project and such things, but your efforts
might kick a few people over here into motion :-)

As you can understand, I can not really say more about this project at this
time, but I'll hope to come back to this soon!

Cheerio, MArc.

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