> I'm pretty sure Jani meant postings regarding with IRCG, and those are
> still postings by users of the software you wrote. I wouldn't call that
> "unrelated email".

    At least 99% of the traffic on php-general is unrelated to IRCG.

> Some people need to be shouted too, before they awake.

    I think the above sentence says enough about how to weight
    your whole email.

> And if
> users don't get replies on there questions with software you
> wrote, they are going to abandon it.

    IRCG is one of the best-maintained extensions at this time.
    For example, a user who is deploying PHP/IRCG for a huge
    gaming community mailed me a backtrace *privately*.  He
    received the fix within 10 minutes.


    There is no definitive right for support for open-source
    software.  There is no definitive right for assistance from
    anyone.  All I can do is to provide you with pointers to
    available resources and answer emails whenever I can.

> Besides IRCG, there are more extensions that are very special

    IRCG is *not* special.  Not more special than 90% of our
    extensions anyway.  It works with all SAPIs, thttpd just
    happens to support a bit more functionality.  It provides
    convenient functions for anyone writing software which is
    related to IRC (there are at least a dozen other PHP-based
    web-chats which can use it).

    - Sascha                                     Experience IRCG
      http://schumann.cx/                http://schumann.cx/ircg

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