
I have a php interface to the spread group communication toolkit client 
api.  Hard to say how wide it's audience would be, but it's very useful 
for creating distributed applications (it was written to facilitate some 
distributed logging and distributed filesystem caching needs).  Code 
available from   

Dan Cowgill and I have a tracing/profiling/debugging extension which we 
would be quite interested in having included in php.  Code available 
from http://apc.communityconnect.com/sources/apd-cvs.tar.gz

Also, there is our APC caching project, which has become pretty mature 
now .  It has a relatively large following and I think it would benefit 
php to have a free bundled compiler cache with it (not to mention 
benefit from the much larger developer base).  Code available from 

The latter of the two are currently released under the QPL, but we'd be 
happy to relicense them under the PHP group license.


On Monday, August 27, 2001, at 08:17 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> Hi George, actually what I meant when I said to send mail to php-dev was
> that you should describe your actual extensions.  General-purpose
> extensions that really would be useful to a wide audience are good
> candidates for inclusion, although there has been a push to start the
> process of moving some of this stuff out into PEAR, especially for new
> extensions.
> -Rasmus
> On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, George Schlossnagle wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was interested in what the process of contributiing extensions to php
>> is.  I'm a author/maintainer of a couple existing and soon-to-be php
>> extensions and was curious about how to get them evaluated for 
>> inclusion
>> as part of the existing 'ext' extension structure and just what the
>> general processes involved with that are.
>> George
>> 1024D/1100A5A0/1370 F70A 9365 96C9 2F5E  56C2 B2B9 262F 1100 A5A0
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