Quoting Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> We can add an E_NOTICE to it

Oh, god, PLEASE don't do that. Some of us actually develop and run our personal
sites (like the one I'm writing this mail with) with error reporting set to
E_ALL. It's good coding practice, helps me write clean code, and if you do this,
I'm going to have to add @ to _every_ gettext call in my code for things to
work, That would be an absolute nightmare. You're also cutting off the option
for users to define an alias, since there'd be just too many versioning issues -
if the function goes away, we can check for it, and if it's not there, alias it.
If there's an E_NOTICE stage in between, we're just fucked.


Charles Hagenbuch, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.

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