On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 12:46:17AM +0300, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> Fact - gettext(foo) is much less magical and much more understandable
> than _(foo).

I think the problem here is that internationalization is
being considered a 'separate module', rather than a core
piece of functionality that PHP should account for.

Right now, wrapping _() around EVERY string is only the
first step.  Then you have to figure out how .po files,
bindtextdomain, various environment variables, and all the
other stuff that gettext imposes on the system actually work.
So where have the PHP ideals disappeared to in simplying this?

This whole _() argument is merely a symptom of the 
underlying problem that internationalizing PHP scripts is
really actually quite difficult and intrusive.

Fix that, and this particular problem goes away.

If you really believe that deprecating _() is a good
thing in the context of using gettext, I find it hard to
believe that you've actually implemented i8n in PHP for
a large project.  Personally, I've only used it when Horde
switched to it, and I think I'd go mad if I had to wrap
every string in the full version of gettext() !  The GNU
manual expresses this pretty well:

"the textual overhead per translatable string is reduced
to only three characters: the underline and the two parentheses"

When we're talking about every single string in your project,
that's pretty significant.


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