
Jim Winstead wrote:
> Manuel Lemos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > One thing that I think it is really vital to prevent PHP to leak even
> > more users to other languages is to have built-in support for consuming
> > Web services.
> http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/WebServices/SWSAPI/phptut
> yes, that's not built-in. but dealing with xml in c is a grotty,
> not-very-fun task. so not fun that i wouldn't hold my breath waiting for
> a built-in implementation to materialize because someone decided to
> knock one together. like the xmlrpc implementation now included with
> php4, i suspect you'll have to wait for some corporate interest to
> decide they need a high-performance soap implementation for php before
> one shows up.

Of course I know I there are a few PHP SOAP client implementations. I
happed to have my own as well. The key of the suggestion was to have
this built-in just like several other languages have and PHP does not
have until someone opens their eyes and realize the importance of having
this built-in. It is very good the analogy that Zeev made with built-in
session support that ASP always had and PHP hadn't until somebody
(Sascha?) bothered to make it happen as a built-in feature. I don't
think it was added because there was some corporate interest in high
performance session support.

Manuel Lemos

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