Hey Liz,

At 15:55 28-7-2002 +0100, Liz wrote:

>Another option would be to get people to split into 2 teams, and have
>bug fix team and new feature team, where people specifically look at
>those features. Make a slightly bigger divide between the two projects.

Yes - for QA this is a good idea. Could we get a headcount?

But there's still the issue of a person needed to make sure all fixes get
merged, create a snapshot and adjust QA-web to match the release
version, pack the release and win32 binaries and announce on the websites
and mailing lists.
Also - since QA Web currently isn't very release-master friendly, as it's hard
to keep track of who posted a problem, this isn't as trivial as it sounds.

For the bug part - I personally feel Jani would be the ideal candidate, but
judging from this message
on the php-dev list, he's being (de-) bugged by Derick :-)

> > Yes, there are others who feel this way - but basically it
> > boils down to
> > who is
> > qualified AND has the time to take this task upon him/her. I
> > for one am not
> > qualified as I don't have a solid understanding of C nor the
> > build system.
> >
> > Further more - QA of two releases is not a good idea, so the
> > whole thing
> > should be
> > done in an acceptable timeframe, so that it doesn't delay 4.3
> > release too much.
> >
> > Maybe we could sweet-talk Stig into it ? :-)
> > Or Zeev as he's on the same bandwagon.
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