
> I fired off a mail to PHP-DE asking the "average PHP user" about localization
> of error messages. My mail might be a bit biased, so if you have something to
> say, do it now. I will summarize the results here. 

Ok, here's the summary of my NON-representative poll to PHP-De about localization
of error messages in PHP:

  Pro: 1
  Contra: 8

Some thoughts that were brought up:

  - PHP developers should not waste their time on localization, instead focus 
    on increasing verbosity of existing error messages (a meaningless error
    message in english will be meaningless in every other language as well).

  - The english used in error messages is only a small subset of the whole
    language (come on, everyone knows enough MTV-english to understand error
    messages). However, other countries might have more problems as their
    languages don't come from the same language family.


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