Having used both FrontPage and Dreamweaver in the past I have resorted back to a text 
editor.  Not that either was bad or good.  Just found that I had the best control when 
doing the writing myself. 

I currently use EditPlus2 for text editing.  It has everything I need and cost very 
little.  I use it for PERL, PHP, JavaScript, Java and even mySQL.  It allows you to 
format your own syntax highlighting and templates.

But no matter what you use, it's my belief that you must know how to code by hand if 
your going to get anywhere.  All the slamming people do around here about one editor 
(or platform) vs. another is kind-a childish.  Would anyone dog Rasmus Lerdorf if he 
used FrontPage or Larry Wall if he used a windows platform instead of a *nix.  I don't 
think so.  This guys got the respect they have not by what they used but what they 
developed. (Not that I know what they used and personally don't care)

So my point, if you made it this far, is use what's best for you and try different 
things till your satisfied.  Someone has already explain how to get FrontPage to work 
so I'll leave it at that.


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