I'm thinking of setting up an address-book on my server,
but I'm not sure whether to use LDAP or MySQL.

As I see it, LDAP is actually designed for this,
and seems to have a more-or-less standard address-book format.
On the other hand, I'm already using MySQL for several things,
eg gallery2.

But there doesn't seem to be any standard address-book format
for SQL.
Another thing, kmail and other mail clients
seem to have standard LDAP interfaces.

I'm using phpMyAdmin with MySQL,
but there seems to be a PHP interface to LDAP too.

I don't really like LDAP, but it seems the way to go.
Is that right ... ?
I'd be interested to hear your views.

First of all LDAP is not a database, it is a connection protocol that
can connect to many things, most notably Active Directory seems to be
the most popular usage. Therefore you cannot compare it to MySQL,
because MySQL is a database product. Are you talking about Active
Directory being the database?

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