G'day folks,

Here's a theoretical question for those of you using PHP's inbuilt session

        How do you "keep" your variables across redundant servers?  Or,
        isn't anybody out there hosting PHP-based services on grouped

My question may reflect a lack of understanding on just how PHP's sessions
work, but (bear with me a moment) I thought that session variables were
simply stored in a local file-store (default: /tmp).

Are people using NFS-shared directories, rsync (or some other method of
keeping such areas synchronised), or are all "redundant" sites using
home-grown session handling?


Daniel Baldoni BAppSc, PGradDipCompSci                 |  Technical Director
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"Any time there's something so ridiculous that no rational systems programmer
 would even consider trying it, they send for me."; paraphrased from "King Of
 The Murgos" by David Eddings.  (I'm not good, just crazy)

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