> No answers - just more questions to maybe point you in a direction you
> haven't been............

Anything is appreciated...

> Is it possible that the query/script is taking too long to build the
> response page and FireFox/Safari is asking for an empty query result?

I don't think so... the tracer emails I get from the initialize
function are usually a couple seconds apart. It's almost like the
browser is trying to make two "simultanious" requests which is why I
was thinking maybe prefetching...

> You mention MySQL but is there any JavaScript involved in the
> data/result set.  I am not a JS expert, but there could be differences
> in IE/FF/Saf JavaScript that could cause this.

The only javascript is from the upload screen a popup window is
created that says "wait patiently please" and then on the next screen
a javascript that closes that popup window. (The email editor is
javascript heavy but the data is already gone by the time you get to
that point. And the only reason the popup exists is because the email
editor requires popups and we have impatient users...)

> When you duplicate this with your data and get the error response, does
> the script show a records in the response query, even though it reports
> no records?

No. By the time the editor screen loads the data really IS gone. If I
sit in a mysql session and keep refreshing the table I see data...
data... data... data... no data... I only mentioned the error
responses as a way (not phrased the best) to indicate that it didn't
see any correlation to "this" branch of code or "that" branch of code
(for example if I could narrow it down to "it disappears when I
preview" then I would know to look at the preview pages)

> Sorry but no definitive answers...

Thanks though... the reason I keep pounding my head on the desk is
that we deliberatly try to keep all the processing on the server side
to avoid cross-browser and cross-platform issues. So sure... maybe a
style sheet breaks... maybe a minor javascript doesn't work quite
right... maybe the font sizes change and things are out of
alignment... but the heavy lifting happens behind the scenes where
"they" don't need to worry about it. Not very Web 2.0 but it's been
steady (with this exception) so far.


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