From: Ashley Sheridan
> On Fri, 2009-10-16 at 18:01 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> > Wow! Here goes:
>> >
>> > Open-bracket, dollar item hypen greater-than, get service id, no
all one word but with a capital S and I. Open and close brackets,
question mark, dollar item again, then a hyphen and greater-than, that
get service id and brackets bit again, exactly the same as last time;
yes, capital S and I again. Colon, no the colon is the one with two
dots, not dot and comma. Dollar item again, then hypen, greater-than,
get id, with a capital I. Nope, no service bit this time. Now, open
bracket and two closing brackets (I assumed the final two on your
example were typos?!). now a semi-colon, yes the one with the comma.
>> >
>> > That's pretty much how I could foresee me telling someone this on
the phone, but to be honest, I'd really prefer an email ;)
>> >
>> So it really involves mentioning each character. I was hoping that
>> there would be a shared language for constructs such as -> and the
>> like.

> Not that I know of, and trying to explain any sort of code over the
> phone is just going to lead to a disaster down the line!

The only time I would even consider doing that would be when I am using
a TTD connection to communicate with a hearing impaired individual.

Bob McConnell

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