On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 12:08 -0400, Adam Richardson wrote:

> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Guus Ellenkamp
> <ellenkamp_g...@hotmail.com>wrote:
> > Thanks, but are you sure of that? I did some research a while ago and found
> > that officially PHP files should be ascii and not have any specific
> > character encoding. I believe it will work anyhow (did not try this one),
> > but would like to stick with the standards.
> >
> > "Ashley Sheridan" <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote in message
> > news:1274883714.2202.228.ca...@localhost...
> > > On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 22:20 +0800, Guus Ellenkamp wrote:
> > >
> > >> We use PHP defines for defining text in different languages. As far as I
> > >> know PHP files are supposed to be ASCII, not UTF-8 or something like
> > >> that.
> > >> What I want to make is a conversion program that would convert a given
> > >> UTF-8
> > >> file with the format
> > >>
> > >> definetext1=this is a text in random UTF-8, probably arabic or similar
> > >> text
> > >> definetext2=this is another text in random UTF-8, probably arabic or
> > >> similar
> > >> text
> > >>
> > >> into a file with the following defines
> > >>
> > >>
> > define('definetext1',chr(<t_value>).chr(<h_value>).chr(<i_value>)...<chr(<x_value>).chr(<t_value>));
> > >>
> > define('definetext2,chr(<t_value>).chr(<h_value>).chr(<i_value>)...<chr(<x_value>).chr(<t_value>));
> > >>
> > >> Not sure if I'm using the correct chr/ord function, but I hope the above
> > >> is
> > >> clear enough to make clear what I'm looking for. Basically the output
> > >> file
> > >> should be ascii and not contain any utf-8.
> > >>
> > >> Any advise? The html_special_chars did not seem to work for Vietnamese
> > >> text
> > >> I tried to convert, so something seems to get wrong with just reading an
> > >> array of strings and converting the strings and putting them in defines.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > > PHP files can contain utf-8, and in-fact is the preference of most
> > > developers I know of.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Ash
> > > http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> >
> >
> Because the lower range of UTF-8 matches the ascii character set
> (intentionally by design), you'll be able to use UTF-8 for PHP files without
> problem (i.e., ascii 7-bit chars have same encoding in UTF-8.)
> http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html
> However, if you were to use any of the multibyte characters of UTF-8 in a
> PHP file, you could run in to some trouble.  I use UTF-8 for most of my PHP
> files, but I've been sticking to the ASCII subset exclusively.
> Adam

I don't use the higher range of characters often, but I do sometimes use
them for things like the graphical glyphs (½✉✆, etc) I know I could do
those with regular text and the Wingdings font, but that's not available
on every computer, and breaks the semantic meaning behind the glyphs.


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