And if the numbers are from different subnets, you could sort like so 
(assuming addresses are in a 1-dimensional array, here called 

function sort_address($IpAddresses) {
    $List = array();
    foreach ($IpAddresses as $A) {
       list($x,$y,$z,$t) = explode('.', $A);
       $List[($x*16777216) + ($y*6553616) + ($z*256) + $t] = $A;
    ksort($List, SORT_NUMERIC);
    return array_values($List);

My first thought was to use the line

       $List[($x<<24) + ($y<<16) + ($z<<8) + $t] = $A;

instead, and gain a little speed advantage by bitshifting instead of 
multiplying, but then you'd need to force $x, $y, $z and $t to 
integers first. You might be able to do

       $List[(((int)$x)<<24) + (((int)$y)<<16) + (((int)$z)<<8) + $t] = $A;
       $List[(($x+0)<<24) + (($y x+0)<<16) + (($z x+0)<<8) + $t] = $A;

instead, though. If you wanted 'em in REVERSE order, use krsort() 
instead of ksort().

Usual 'untested code' warnings apply.

        - steve

At 2:15 PM +1000 8/23/01, Chris Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Understand the problem now.
>All you need to keep is the last octect of the IP Address.
>The following code snippet generates an array entry for each ip. The array is
>then sorted and the result prepended with the base IP.
>$strBaseIP = "127.0.0.";
>     for ($i=0;$i<=255;$i++) {
>      $strIP = $i;
>      print "IP = $strIP<br>";
>      $aryIP[$i] = $strIP;
>for ($i=0;$i<=255;$i++) {
>      $strIP = $strBaseIP.$aryIP[$i];
>  print "IP = $strIP<br>";
>Pretty rough and ready but it should point you in the right direction.
>If you need to sort IP's from differnet subnets then you need to 
>split the IP as
>per the previous suggestion.
>Chris Aitken wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>>  Just a quick one,
>>  I am pulling a whole Class C list of IP addresses, and im trying to sort
>>  them in order, but im getting it displayed
>>  etc. Is there any other way to sort this thinking they are numbers, rather
>>  than text ?
>>  Thanks
>>  Chris
>>  --
>>       Chris Aitken - Administration/Database Designer - IDEAL Internet
>>    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  phone: +61 2 4628 8888  fax: +61 2 4628 8890
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>>  It just shows that the dull will rule the world. And we will be watching it.
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