> I gave it a try
> NN4.7 and 6.1 both ignored the 'display: inline' css in my test

There was actually an error in the HTML I posted, try this:

<table bgcolor=red><tr><form><td>1. form tag outside of
<table bgcolor=red><tr><form><td>2. form tag outside of
<table bgcolor=red><tr><form><td>3. form tag outside of
<table bgcolor=blue><form><tr><td>4. form tag outside of
<table bgcolor=blue><form><tr><td>5. form tag outside of
<table bgcolor=blue><form><tr><td>6. form tag outside of
<form style="display: inline;"><table bgcolor=green><tr><td>7. inline
<span style="display: inline;"><form style="display: inline;"><table
bgcolor=green><tr><td>8. inline css on span and
<span style="display: inline;"><form style="display: inline;"><table
bgcolor=green><tr><td>9. inline css on span and
<form style="display: inline;"><table bgcolor=green><tr><td>10. inline

The HTML above works in IE based on the CSS applied to the form tag, in
Netscape based on the CSS applied to the bounding span.

> It may be compliant but it doesn't really work as well as hiding the form tags 
>between table rows or cells.

I actually found that the code you posted doesn't work at all, I'm using
Navigator 4.74, and each table with form elements embedded simply pushes
the block element to the end of the table, as described in my previous
post. The HTML I've posted here actually shows whitespace between 1&2,
2&3, 3&4, 4&5, 5&6 and 7&8. No whitespace appears between 6&7, 8&9,

Is this what you see?

IE shows no whitespace anywhere.

No whitespace between 6&7 throws me a little, considering there is
whitespace between all other blocks above, but the absence of whitespace
between 8&9 and 9&10 is what I was originally trying to describe.

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