I have a little problem that I just can't get to work.

I want to send a URL line from VB6 in an application that I have written to
populate a
three field form on one of my www sites
(http://arthurbard.com/testarea/AutoPost.php) AND post it i.e. populate the
three fields and then simulate clicking on the submit button. I can send a
URL line from VB6 or directly from a browser line and fully populate the
form but do you think I can get it to post without clicking the button....
can I heck!!!!

I can call the form and populate the fields with the following line as the


This is the server side code......

<TITLE>Courier Delivery Feedback Form</TITLE>


$form_block = "


<P><strong>User Name:</strong><br>
<INPUT type=\"text\" NAME=\"sender_name\" VALUE=\"$sender_name\"

<P><strong>Your E-Mail Address:</strong><br>
<INPUT type=\"text\" NAME=\"sender_email\"  VALUE=\"$sender_email\"

<TEXTAREA NAME=\"message\" COLS=30 ROWS=5

<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"ds\">

<P><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Send This Form\"></p>



if ($op != "ds") {

 // they need to see the form
 echo "$form_block";

} else if ($op == "ds") {

 if ($sender_name == "") {
  $name_err = "<font color=red>Please enter user name!</font><br>";
  $send = "no";

 if ($sender_email == "") {
  $email_err = "<font color=red>Please enter your e-mail
  $send = "no";

 if ($message == "") {
  $message_err = "<font color=red>Please enter a message!</font><br>";
  $send = "no";

 if ($send != "no") {

  // it's ok to send!
  $msg = "AutoPost Report\n";
  $msg .= "Sender's Name:    $sender_name\n";
  $msg .= "Sender's E-Mail:  $sender_email\n";
  $msg .= "Message:          $message\n\n";

  $to = WhoItsTo@TheirISP;
  $subject = "AutoPost Response";
  $mailheaders = "From: CourierDelivery@MyISP\n\n";
  $mailheaders .= "Reply-To: $sender_email\n\n";

  mail($to, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);
  echo "<P>Mail has been sent!</p>";

 } else if ($send == "no") {

  echo "$name_err";
  echo "$email_err";
  echo "$message_err";
  echo "$form_block";





What do I need to change in the following line to make the form submit/post
or do I need to change the code in my form.  I can't use the JavaScript
onLoad() event handler as I will be calling from VB6.


I have tried other Newsgroups without success so thought that its about time
to try the experts.

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