hi folks,
i am somewhat like a new newbie, just read my first php tutorial, installed
an apache server on my windows and php on top for testing , first question
is : is this the right place for me here to ask questions or is this
newsgroup rather for advanced users?

second question is my task i want to complete in PHP :

i have an array for a dhtml navigation menu for my site. all the links are
"hard coded" inside the array and are , of course , the same for the whole
site EXCEPT for the language selection.

now, for example, i am on a page called about.php, i am clicking on the link
for the german version and a page called german/about.php should be
retrieved. same for spanish.

now, what do i do?
i have found a php snippet that reads the current url <?php


but can i use this somehow and how do i do that?

i would be happy for any kind of advice .


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