On Monday 29 April 2002 12:46, michael kimsal wrote:
> Miguel Cruz wrote:
> >>Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be
> >>faster.
> >
> > But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business.
> > Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by
> > their browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines
> > certainly won't follow those links.
> Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't
> handle javascript?

I don't think it's hardware that was problem with javascript.

> Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
> javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript'
> argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting
> handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
> disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience
> will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't
> notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.

Rather it was Microsoft's numerous bugs and vulnerabilities within IE which 
lead people to disable scripting. And of course annoying pop-up windows are 
another major reason to disable javascript.

Konqueror is the only browser (that I've used) which supports per-site 
javascript policy (deny, allow, disable pop-ups).

> IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people
> might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the
> web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically
> think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.

You're comparing apples with spades. I think with most browsers, people need 
to make a conscious decision to disable javascript (ie it's enabled by 
default). In other words these people /should/ know what they're doing by 
disabling it.

On the other hand I don't think many people would actively choose to browse 
in 256 colours when any machine less than 3 years old would most definitely 
support true colour.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
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