>> I have a script that outputs this:
>> 0.023884057998657
>> What's the command to make it shrink down to this:
>> 0.023
>> I thought it was eregi() something, but I forgot.  sorry
> It depends on what you need.
> If you want to round the number off to 3 decimal points use the round()
> function.  However if you don't want to round and instead just want to
> truncate the number, the number_format() function would be what you
> need.
> Sincerely,
> Craig Vincent

If speed is an issue, instead of using number_format for truncation use
substr. i.e: echo substr($var, 0, 5); to get 3 dp.

Dan Hardiker [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
ADAM Software & Systems Engineer
First Creative Ltd

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