One thing to note is that constants are not looked for 
within strings.  So:

  // This is okay but can cause confusion.  No errors 
  // are created but many prefer not to do this.
  $str = "Hello $there[friend], how are you?";

Outside of a string, $there[friend] will indeed seek 
a constant named friend first:

  // This is not okay but may or may not work as expected 
  // and will create an error of level E_NOTICE if the 
  // constant friend does not exist.  So don't do this.
  $str = $there[friend];

The preferred methods are as follows:

  // Use of {} here won't work in PHP3 (iirc)
  $str = "Hello {$there['friend']}, how are you?";

  // Concatenation is always a possability
  $str = 'Hello ' . $there['friend'] . ', how are you?';

Related resources:

Philip Olson  

On Thu, 2 May 2002, Dan Hardiker wrote:

> Hi,
> > I would suggest not to use $hash[var1][var2] instead of
> > $hash['var1']['var2'] because afaik php will think u mean two constants
> > ( var1 and var2 ).
> > Just if it doesnt find these constants it will use them as
> > $hash['var1']['var2'].
> Thats correct, php will think they are constants and upon not finding them
> will send up a low priority error (I think its of E_NOTICE). Appologies for
> sloppy coding (must remember to be more awake).
> $hash['var1']['var2'] is much better, safer, more compatable and faster
> (marginally - as it doesnt have to check for constants of that name). As an
> extra note, (and this of personal desire rather than coding standards), I
> would always break out of a string to insert variables. Personally it just
> highlights the dynamic parts of string creation.
> eg: = "Name: ".$user->name." is age ".$user->age.". ".(($user-
> >birthday==$today)?"Happy Birthday!")."<br />";
> but thats getting out of the scope of the question heh
> -- 
> Dan Hardiker [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> ADAM Software & Systems Engineer
> First Creative Ltd
> -- 
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