Hi there,

I have a tricky problem which I honestly think is not possible to solve.
However maybe I am wrong.

As you all know it is possible on php.net to pass a function name just
behind the adress (e.G. php.net/function-name) this will redirct to the
propper page. I did the same thing with member sites (e.G
server.com/member-name) Now I am starting a referrer programm. Every member
who follows a link like from anywhere on the net and registeres will be
tracked and the referrer gets a point. Now I did forget that I do have
several of this links on my site itself :-) Which means that they have been
aquired on my site by accident :-)

My question is how can I make sure that they do come from outside and are
not surfing my site already. I do set a coockie as soon as someone enteres
this adress, but it would be fantastic if I could do a if statement on
something to make sure he does not come from my own site. I would like to
keep all the links like that, just to find a way to track the origin of the

Thank you so much for any idea on this tricky task,


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