Jeff Bluemel wrote:

>I want to force it to use a cookie that points to a transparent SID on
>my system.

Can you elaborate on this? I have no idea what you mean.

>I've got the following options in my php.ini, but the system doesn't seem to
>ever use a cookie, and the sessions don't die.  (that's my biggest concern
>is that the user has to login to the system EVERY time he visits the site.)
>session.use_cookies = 1
>session.use_only_cookies = 1
>session.use_trans_sid = 1

With use_trans_sid set, PHP is going to append the session ID to the URL 
of links, etc., on:

1) The client's first visit, determined by the fact that the client sent 
no session ID
2) Any other visit where the client sent a session ID on the URL but not 
in a cookie

It sounds to me like either you're only noticing the first case there, 
or your browser is not supplying the cookie on subsequent requests. 
Maybe this bit of information will help you.

Happy hacking.


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