still looking for some solutions on this - anybody else have any

"Jeff Bluemel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> OK guys...
> here's my question - I'm using 4.2.3 and apache 1.3.26, and I've got
> sessions setup. however, it seems to be using an SID attached to the URL,
> and I want to force it to use a cookie that points to a transparent SID on
> my system.
> I've got the following options in my php.ini, but the system doesn't seem
> ever use a cookie, and the sessions don't die.  (that's my biggest concern
> is that the user has to login to the system EVERY time he visits the
> session.use_cookies = 1
> session.use_only_cookies = 1
> session.use_trans_sid = 1
> --
> Thanks,
> Jeff Bluemel

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