Yes, I later found the forum and added post there, mentioning cygwin.

And it is really vanilla cygwin. I am not so deeply into C/C++-programming on this platform, so I have not adapted the program development framework. The effects we see appear in the pure standard cygwin environment.

I just want to absolve myself from blame in this matter ;-)
Or maybe I am to blame? Perhaps I should tweek some parameters controlling what happens i make?


On 15/04/2010 18:17, Alexander Burger wrote:
On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 06:02:07PM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
Oops. Something went wrong with the build process. 'ht:Pack' is part of
the 'ht' shared object library (DLL). Either in "src/ht.c" (for the 32
bit version) or "src64/ht.l" (for the 64 bit version).

In both cases, this shared library should be automatically built with
'make'. Did you do it as described in "INSTALL"?
I have a suspicion: Do you perhaps try this on Cygwin?

There was just an analog post in the forum at, where
ht:Pack was undefined on Cygwin.

I haven't tried Cygwin for a long time. Does anybody have a clue?
Is this a new problem? Is something broken in the build for Cygwin?

- Alex

Olle Olsson   Tel: +46 8 633 15 19  Fax: +46 8 751 72 30
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