Hi Jon,

> I have now installed SoyLatte Java 1.6 on one of my Macs (OS X
> 10.5.8), and it enables me to run ErsatzLisp stuff. In your code

That's good news! :)

> below I notice you use "nil" instead of "NIL". Why is that?
> ...
> >>    (java Label 'addMouseListener
> >>       (interface "java.awt.event.MouseListener"
> >>          'mouseClicked '((Ev) (setq Dir (if (= 1 Dir) 12 1)))
> >>          'mouseEntered nil
> >> ...

This is because 'interface' expects alternating symbol and function

   # (interface 'cls|lst 'sym 'fun ..) -> obj

and 'nil' is a function (which always returns 'NIL', though).

- Alex
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