Hi Alex,

> Yes, but as I tried to explain in my previous mail, it won't work with
> the application server. It depends on 'httpGate' rewriting parts of
> the HTTP header, and inserting certain PicoLisp-specific "new"
> headers, which would not work if 'httpGate' believes to work
> unencrypted.  Perhaps, if it were running stand-alone. But not with
> the whole app-server machinery.

>> A sample configuration is at
>> <http://logand.com/blog/picolisp-behind-nginx-proxy.html>.  It should
>> work same as httpGate passing the right parameters iirc.

as described on that web page, you can configure nginx to set the
headers exactly like httpGate!  I used it instead of httpGate
successfully.  See that part where it says:

    proxy_set_header  Host $host;
    proxy_set_header  Gate "$scheme $remote_addr";


  if ($request_filename ~* /([0-9]+)/?(.*)) {
    set $gate$1/$2$is_args$args;
  proxy_set_header  Host $host;
  proxy_set_header  Gate "$scheme $remote_addr";
  proxy_pass        $gate;

etc.  That's what httpGate does.

> Meanwhile, I'm wondering whether the observed problems might have
> anything to do with the fact that PicoLisp (and httpGate) run in IPv6
> hybrid mapped addresses mode. Perhaps some browsers suddenly can't
> cope with that? Just an idea ...

That could well be, but I suppose you could easily check that;-)


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