Hi Jorge,

first of all, thanks for pointing out the missing 'l_type'! This should
have solved a nasty bug! :)

> After applying that, some tests are still failing. In test/lib/misc.l
> and test/src/main.l there are checks for chdir that use /tmp. On Mac,
> /tmp is a symlink to /private/tmp.
> I would just change "/tmp" for "/bin".

I see. The test does a chdir to "/tmp", and then verifies that it is
indeed there. But can we be sure that "/bin" isn't a symlink either on
some systems?

> Also, test/src/ext.l and test/src/ht.l fail quite early:
> bash-3.2$ ./pil lib/test.l $(/bin/pwd) -bye +
> [test/src/ext.l:5] !? (ext:Snx "PicoLisp is not Common Lisp")
> ext:Snx -- Undefined

There should be two libraries in "lib/" (here, on a 32-bit x86-32):

   $ file lib/ht lib/ext
   lib/ht:  ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), 
dynamically linked, stripped
   lib/ext: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), 
dynamically linked, stripped

Are they there? If not, wasn't there an error during the make process?

> (commented ext.l loading)
> bash-3.2$ ./pil lib/test.l $(/bin/pwd) -bye +
> [test/src/ht.l:5] !? (ht:Prin "1<2>3&äöü<i>ÄÖÜß")
> ht:Prin -- Undefined

This has the same reason as with 'ext' above.

- Alex
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