Thanks for this feedback Alex.
I  ll have a  look tonight
Kind regards
Le 20 sept. 2014 12:18, <> a écrit :

>  Sadly not PicoLisp, but another alternative you could look at if you need
> a really, *really* tiny Lisp is PICOBIT:
> It's a Scheme. Claims (perhaps pinch of salt needed) to be able to run in
> as little as 1KB RAM. The original developer was the guy behind Gambit, so
> there's probably something to it (I haven't used it myself).
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: jerome moliere <>
> To:
> Sent: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 10:44
> Subject: Re: PicoLisp on NuttX
>  Thanks for the details...
> for 8KLisp , Z80 won't be helpful on ARM MCU ..
> I should try to make some tests , but I don't have the dev kits yet ...
>  Kind regards
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Alexander Burger <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jerome,
>> > Is it possible/adviseable to slim down the PicoLisp to drop all unused
>> > libraries (XML/JSON) to have a miniPicoLisp superset ?
>> This will not help much, I'm afraid. XML or JSON are separate libraries
>> anyway, not part of the base system.
>> > The system running NuttX is a 120Mhz MCU with 128Ko RAM + 1 Mo Flash
>> > PicoLisp reduced in size on disk (with database options) + one AMQP
>> broker
>> > could be the  only components on my system and may fit the small size.
>> Do
>> > you have an idea of the typical memory footprint?
>> Hmm, that's very tight.
>> Form some measurements I made some time ago: Just loading "lib.l" and a
>> reduced version of "lib/misc.l" takes 48 KB on startup. If you load any
>> runtime sources, this will quickly grow. In addition to that, you'll
>> also have to reserve some stack space.
>> This sounds rather like a task for Forth to me. Or, you might look at a
>> 8kLisp, a predecessor of PicoLisp
>> The interpreter is exaclty 8 KB in size, and runs in a total memory of
>> 64 KB. But it is written in Z80 assembly ;-)
>> ♪♫ Alex
>> --
>  --
> J.MOLIERE - Mentor/J

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