Erik Gustafson
<> writes:

Hi Erik,


> If interested, more info about OSC can be found here:

I find the combination of sound & picolisp very interesting, are you
aware of "SoundCollider" and the Clojure Libraries "Overtone" and "Leipzig"
(both on Github)?

There are interesting videos on Youtube about making music with
emacs/vim and clojure:

|  1.                                                                           
|     Functional Composition - Chris Ford - YouTube                             
|  Jan. 2013 - 39 Min.           
|     ►     - Hochgeladen von ClojureTV Music theory is one of the              
|     39:21 most naturally elegant and functional domains. It's a               
|           perfect fit for ...                                                 
|  2.                                                                           
|     Creating music with Clojure and Overtone - YouTube                        
|  Juli 2014 - 71 Min.          
|     ►     - Hochgeladen von Manchester Geek Nights Chris Ford shows           
|     70:50 how to make music with Clojure, starting with the basic             
|           building block of ...                                               

And I noticed that you have another music related picolisp lib on

|  1. erdg/picolisp-aubio · GitHub                                    

I'm not so much interested in the technical (syntheziser) stuff but
rather in the musical side of it, and I have a few questions:

1. How much would it take not to rewrite Overtone in PicoLisp but rather
to define a handfull of musical instruments that can easily be used in a
music creating PicoLisp program? I'm thinking of a basic rhythm section
with a few rhythm instruments (maybe just a snare drum for creating
swing and a Cajon and maybe Handclaps for creating Flamenco/World Music
beats) and, most important, a (acoustic contra) bass.

With some musical instruments available, one could take some inspiration
from Overtone and Leipzig and maybe a python program like

|  1. MMA Home Page - Mellowood                                       
|     ‎                                                               
|       + Im Cache                                                    
|       + Ä hnliche Seiten                                            
|     13 Jun 2015 ... "MMA-Musical MIDI Accompaniment" is an          
|     accompaniment generator. ... MMA's templating track system      
|     puts you in control of your music.                              
and create background tracks for practising in PicoLisp. I think that
would be fun ;-)

2. How to use (picolisp-)aubio to get a score of what I play?

Reading about Aubio, it seems that I could plugin my guitar into my
computer, record some stuff, and the use Aubio to extract a midi score
of what I played (and then use other programs to convert that midi score
to conventional musical notation). 

|  1. aubio, a library for audio labelling                            
|     ‎                                                               
|       + Im Cache                                                    
|       + Ä hnliche Seiten                                            
|     aubio, a collection of algorithms and tools to extract          
|     musical meaning from audio signals, such as tempo, pitch, and   
|     onset.                                                          

A fascinating perspective, but how to do that in practice? I tried to
use aubio on mp3 and ogg files as input

| $ aubionotes --help
| usage: aubionotes [ options ]
|        -i      --input            input file
|        -r      --samplerate       select samplerate
|        -B      --bufsize          set buffer size
|        -H      --hopsize          set hopsize
|        -O      --onset            select onset detection algorithm
|        -t      --onset-threshold  set onset detection threshold
|        -p      --pitch            select pitch detection algorithm
|        -u      --pitch-unit       select pitch output unit
|        -l      --pitch-tolerance  select pitch tolerance
|        -s      --silence          select silence threshold
|        -j      --jack             use Jack
|        -v      --verbose          be verbose
|        -h      --help             display this message

but using e.g. aubiotrack

| $ aubiotrack -vf -i /home/docs/music/sound/jimmy\ raney\
| duets\ mp3/converted/mp3/Track01.ogg -o junk/track01  
| =>
|   -rw-r--r-- 1 tj tj 1675308 30. Jul 07:15 track01

I get a binary file with some rhythmical clicks in it, and using
aubionotes I get something that doesn't look like a complete midi score
of a tune:

| $ aubionotes -vf -i /home/docs/music/sound/jimmy\ raney\
| duets\ mp3/converted/mp3/Track01.ogg
| using source: /home/docs/music/sound/jimmy raney duets
| mp3/converted/mp3/Track01.ogg at 22050Hz
| onset method: default, buffer_size: 512, hop_size: 256, threshold:
| 0.000000
| pitch method: default, buffer_size: 2048, hop_size: 256, tolerance:
| 0.000000
| 0.429569
| 54.000000       0.429569        0.603719
| 47.000000       0.603719        0.777869
| 44.000000       0.777869        1.102948
| 107.000000      1.102948        1.172608
| 106.000000      1.172608        1.462857
| 81.000000       1.462857        1.741497
| 108.000000      1.741497        4.260862
| 64.000000       4.260862        6.919547
| 64.000000       6.919547        10.019410
| 64.000000       10.019410       12.875464
| 64.000000       12.875464       15.406440
| 64.000000       15.406440       18.111565
| 64.000000       18.111565       20.816689
| 64.000000       20.816689       23.498594
| 64.000000       23.498594       37.558277
| read 37.97s (837248 samples in 3271 blocks of 256) from
| /home/docs/music/sound/jimmy raney duets mp3/converted/mp3/Track01.ogg
| at 22050Hz
| 37.976234

So I'm kind of stuck here, a few hints would be very welcome.

Very exciting things going on in the PicoLisp universe right now!



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