Dear Pike lovers:
Thanks for the very informative Blog that you have created.
I would love to join in.
Is there any way to create a distributable pike program?
Ideally it would be all in one module.
Jim Latham
P.S. If this message doesn’t go to the entire blog, let me know the address of 
the blog.
> On Oct 19, 2021, at 8:36 PM, Duke Normandin <> wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Oct 2021 22:17:27 -0400
> H William Welliver <> wrote:
> I think the intent is more of a one page
>> summary than a comprehensive set of documentation. Could be the
>> perfect opportunity to take on a bite-sized advocacy project!
> But it doesn't have to be a mere summary! It could be the
> whole-meal-deal - one point at a time! And it could be expanded for
> more advanced features!
> It _would_ be a great advocacy opportunity as well.
> Because it could be a community effort, there would be no need to
> wait for yet another book(s), or blog(s) to be written as time
> permitted. The initial time and effort would certainly be
> non-trivial, but IMO it's absolutely necessary to spread the use
> and usefulness of Pike. Unless the few core developers would rather
> the language remain a close-door, private project. In which case
> the public should not be exposed to the language at all.
> It would not do your book project much good though. IMHO, Pike and
> its quality capabilities are freely available and so should
> quality documentation and tutorials for it.
> The site seems to be the quickest way
> to get there. A link to it on Pike's homepage would be all that is
> required and newcomers to Pike would be spared the hunt-n-peck
> search for a complete up-to-date set of docs.
> Anyway, this Pike noob won't probably ever see that happen. I first
> looked at Pike 10 or so years ago, and like I said previously
> nothing about the documentation has changed much during that
> period. There must be a reason for that! Of course, maybe you guys
> want it that way - a closed shop!
> Good luck!
> --
> Duke

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