Yes, there is something wrong with my setup. I notice that now, with /etc/ld.so.conf.d/grass.conf, sometimes it run fines, sometimes
there is a segmentation fault :
If you wish to resize the X monitor, do so now. Window size is
locked while interactive modules are running.

/usr/lib/grass64/etc/grass-run.sh: line 30: 4464 Erreur de segmentation "$@"

ERROR: /usr/lib/grass64/etc/set_data exited abnormally. Press <enter> to continue.

# apt-cache policy grass
 Installé : 6.4.0~rc4-3
 Candidat : 6.4.0~rc4-3
Table de version :
*** 6.4.0~rc4-3 0
       501 http://debian.gfoss.it lenny/main Packages
       100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 0
       501 http://debian.gfoss.it lenny/main Packages
    6.2.3-2.1 0
       500 http://ftp.fr.debian.org lenny/main Packages

I use gfoss.it because i need qgis (1.3.0) with grass plugin from gfoss.it
and there is no official backports for lenny.

Note that I compile grass on lenny from sid source and i get the same

If I use xterm instead of gnome-terminal, I can not reproduce the bug
(no more segfault).


NB: i remove /etc/ld.so.conf.d/grass.conf

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