Hi Arjen,

> I tested the batch file "make_all_vc.bat" this morning. Here are my results:
> - I ran it in a separate DOS-box
> - Preparation includes:
>   - running vcvars32 - otherwise CMake can not identify the proper compilers
>   - making sure CMake in the path

As this is exactly my setup I develop with, I forgot to mention that. 
I'll add a description on the wiki how to setup a simple automatic 
solution for that.

> - A minor but important fix is needed: mkdir lib (just like: mkdir build)
>   This is needed for both make_all_vc.bat and make_all_mingw.bat

Not if cmake was installed correctly. First the agg,qhull,cd library are 
built and installed (nmake install). As install directories I specified 
the usual suspects (bin/lib/include) and cmake has no problem to create 
this libraries if they don't exist. But if that steps fails, since cmake 
wasn't found or so, it compiles freetype next, and copies the libraries 
by hand to a non existant directory than. So if cmake is found and the 
compiler correctly setup there should be no problem.

> Suggestions/questions:
> - Add a pause after CMake: any problems involving CMake
>   (it not being in the path or no suitable compiler) will be clearly in view
>   then

I redirect all output to log files in the main directory. What doesn't 
work is error handling. Maybe I try to handle the errors for the first 
cmake, if cmake isn't in the path or can't find the compiler it will 
fail and I should catch this error. If it gets through the first cmake 
than everything should work, so maybe I need only to catch one error. 
Alternatively I can remove this log redirection, a add a pause after 
each library compilation, and the user can check if all went well. Also 
sort of error handling :)

> - I noticed the various libraries are not all stored in ...\lib - is 
> there a
>   specific reason for this? (the agg, qhull, ... libraries are stored in 
> build\aggx.y etc)
>   Not really important probably, just confusing

They should all be in lib (because of nmake install) so there went 
something wrong. Check either the log files. Better would be to delete 
the whole directory and start from scratch (unzip the package) and try 
again with cmake in path and vcvars.bat already run. Than it should work.

Also don't run mingw and vcvars in the same directory, since this won't 
work. I have two directories 3p_plot_mingw and 3p_plot_vc (and 
3p_plot_wv and 3p_plot_bcc and ...) for that reason.

Please tell me if that works than for you.


Dipl. Ing. Werner Smekal
Institut fuer Allgemeine Physik
Technische Universitaet Wien
Wiedner Hauptstr 8-10
A-1040 Wien

web:   http://www.iap.tuwien.ac.at/~smekal
phone: +43-(0)1-58801-13463 (office)
        +43-(0)1-58801-13469 (laboratory)
fax:   +43-(0)1-58801-13499

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