Not exactly

Compiz is a window manager that enables desktop effects similar to those found in Mac OS X and Windows Aero. It accomplishes this by drawing application windows to the screen using OpenGL and you graphics card. It is a component of your Desktop Environment.

Maximize, minimize, and window manipulation that we expect on a desktop computer is handed by a "Window Manager". Compiz provides these features using opengl on your GPU, so it can go nuts and arrange your desktop in 3 dimensions. Windows Aero.... MacOS Expo/Mission Control...  or in our case the Compiz Desktop Cube.

Most DE's such as KDE and whatnot have the ability to run a different WM, therefore drastically changing the way windows are managed.

On 05/08/2018 09:00 PM, Tomas Kuchta wrote:
So is it a desktop environment like Gnome/kde/lxde/... ?

On Tue, May 8, 2018, 8:23 PM John Jason Jordan <> wrote:

On Wed, 09 May 2018 02:55:17 +0000
Tomas Kuchta <> dijo:

What is Compiz?
What is it good for?
Can some explain it in a single digestible sentence?
Compiz allows the user to add a bit of art to their desktop by altering
the appearance of windows and objects. As a common example that I use
myself, you can add a shadow around windows. I keep my shadow thin and
not very dark so it is just a hint. If you're not artistically
inclined, then compiz is not for you.

Sorry, that was more than one sentence. Hopefully they were digestible.
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