Compiz makes your desktop look cool.

Compiz can break certain applications.

As an analogy, if we compare VLC to a website... then Compiz is a module you enable in the web server to add graphical effects to VLC.

Now imagine if this web server module that you enable in http.conf was integrated into the webserver, and impossible to disable. That is what ubuntu did with compiz. They included the graphical effects system at a level that can't be turned off. This results in applications such as VLC encountering problems that go back 10 years, because control over how the video is rendered to the screen has been taken away from the video player.

I hope that clarifies it. This is a topic worth keeping tabs on because it directly affects how server-side data is presented to the user on the client side.

On 05/09/2018 02:18 AM, Tomas K wrote:
Thanks all for trying, I really appreciate it.

I am now confused, on the top of just not knowing.
I guess, I was naive to seek simple functional description after seeing
all those mountains of buzzwords on

It gets even worse with more unknown stuff such as Aero and Mac OS -
GPU and openGL. Those are not good reference points to me. I guess, it
has something to do with 3D, triangles, polygons, vertexes, fills, etc.
as in when you want to fill a window frame in games before it gets
passed to compositor for screen frame assembly? Or am I completely off
track? I thought X does that window decorations and screen frame
assembly work.

Anyway, thanks again for trying - I thought that it would be easy to
just ask. It always is. :-)

It seems that I would have to spent some non trivial time learning
about stuff I am not currently that much interested in. I am server,
web service, engineering and data junkie kind of a guy - html5, svg,
gnuplot, R, Qt, .... can display any data I can think of at the moment.

This is completely unfamiliar area to me.

Cheers, Tomas

On Tue, 2018-05-08 at 21:19 -0700, Ben Koenig wrote:
Not exactly

Compiz is a window manager that enables desktop effects similar to
found in Mac OS X and Windows Aero. It accomplishes this by drawing
application windows to the screen using OpenGL and you graphics card.
is a component of your Desktop Environment.

Maximize, minimize, and window manipulation that we expect on a
computer is handed by a "Window Manager". Compiz provides these
using opengl on your GPU, so it can go nuts and arrange your desktop
3 dimensions. Windows Aero.... MacOS Expo/Mission Control...  or in
case the Compiz Desktop Cube.

Most DE's such as KDE and whatnot have the ability to run a
WM, therefore drastically changing the way windows are managed.

On 05/08/2018 09:00 PM, Tomas Kuchta wrote:
So is it a desktop environment like Gnome/kde/lxde/... ?

On Tue, May 8, 2018, 8:23 PM John Jason Jordan <>

On Wed, 09 May 2018 02:55:17 +0000
Tomas Kuchta <> dijo:

What is Compiz?
What is it good for?
Can some explain it in a single digestible sentence?
Compiz allows the user to add a bit of art to their desktop by
the appearance of windows and objects. As a common example that I
myself, you can add a shadow around windows. I keep my shadow
thin and
not very dark so it is just a hint. If you're not artistically
inclined, then compiz is not for you.

Sorry, that was more than one sentence. Hopefully they were
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